Are You Seeking Help With Affair Recovery Or Treatment For Porn Or Sex Addiction?
Do you feel that the safety in your marriage has been taken away? Are you uncertain if your marriage can survive?
Navigating the complexities of a relationship where pornography addiction or infidelity has come into play can be incredibly challenging for both partners. It’s a journey that both husband and wife often find themselves on—sometimes feeling lost and unsure.
Facing the hurt and betrayal that comes with these issues can be overwhelming. Your feelings of pain, confusion, and betrayal are valid and important.
A Reassuring Thought: You’re Not Alone on This Path
Healing begins with acknowledging your emotions and understanding that each partner’s journey is equally crucial in the recovery process.
There’s often more beneath the surface—past experiences, unresolved issues, or unmet needs that play a significant role. So it’s not just about willpower; it’s about understanding the deeper reasons (the “why”) behind your behaviors and learning new ways to cope and heal. Shining a light on these reasons can start the process of healing and change.
If you’re struggling with behaviors like pornography addiction or infidelity, there’s a supportive, understanding community ready to help you take this brave first step to recovery and find your way back to a place of trust, healing, and deeper connection.
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The 3-Phase Recovery Process
Secure Intimacy offers recovery from affairs and infidelity, pornography use, sex addiction, or any other form of unwanted sexual behavior in three phases. This immersive experience is specifically designed to jumpstart the healing and understanding journey in a concentrated and supportive setting.
Phase 1: Weekend Intensive – A Deep Dive Into Recovery
The primary goal of this initial intensive retreat is to provide a concentrated burst of therapy and learning. It’s designed to bring issues into the open, start the process of understanding and communication, and equip participants with the initial tools they need for affair and infidelity recovery.
This foundation is crucial for the more detailed and personalized work that follows in the subsequent phase of the treatment plan. Engaging in a weekend therapy intensive can be a powerful and transformative experience, providing both immediate insights and tools, as well as laying the groundwork for the continued journey of healing and growth.
Our next weekend intensive is Friday & Saturday, November 22-23, 2024.
Self-Exploration – There's an emphasis on self-reflection and understanding personal histories and behaviors. This is crucial for laying the groundwork for long-term change.
Group Sessions – Group therapy for infidelity allows for shared experiences and the building of a supportive community. These sessions can be incredibly validating and help reduce feelings of isolation.
Connection with Peers – The intensive setting allows for bonding with others who are going through similar challenges, fostering a sense of camaraderie and mutual support.
Skill Development – You’ll learn initial coping strategies to manage urges and triggers. These skills are essential for maintaining progress after the intensive therapy weekend.
Relapse Prevention Planning – Understanding and planning for potential setbacks is a part of this phase, helping to build resilience for the journey ahead.
Phase 2: Secure Intimacy 12-Week Program
We offer affair recovery groups for both men and women.
12-Week Women’s Group
This transformational program for betrayed partners is designed to:
- Alleviate your trauma symptoms, paving the way for healing.
- Empower you to reclaim your personal strength and autonomy.
- Transition you away from the overwhelming effects of betrayal.
- Assist in building the life and relationships you’ve always desired.
WEEK 1: Transform feelings of powerlessness into newfound strength, empowering you to shape your responses and future with confidence, warmth, and hope.
WEEK 2: Gently uncover the deep-rooted issues in your relational trauma, creating a nurturing path to healing.
WEEK 3: Compassionately explore your trauma responses and adopt coping strategies that provide comfort and support.
WEEK 4: Lovingly step away from the confusion of gaslighting, gaining clarity and rekindling trust in yourself and others.
WEEK 5: Grow in your ability to stay grounded in reality, making healthy, heart-centered decisions for your well-being.
WEEK 6: Explore with kindness how sexual betrayal has touched your personal and shared sexuality, fostering understanding and healing.
WEEK 7: Tenderly heal from sexual wounds and craft a healthy, affirmative sexual plan for yourself and your relationship.
WEEK 8: Embrace your true source of power with love, learning to express yourself in ways that resonate with your heart.
WEEK 9: Deepen your relational connections, setting boundaries with care and respect for yourself and others.
WEEK 10: Delve into the science of love and attachment with a warm heart, aiming to create a safe, lasting bond in relationships.
WEEK 11: Enhance your self-awareness, confidence, and acceptance with a gentle touch, freeing yourself to experience the joyful adventure of intimacy.
WEEK 12: Envision the life you desire post-betrayal with hope and love, creating nurturing rituals, habits, and a supportive community
- You’re grappling with the impact of sexual betrayal, stemming from sexual addiction or infidelity, and are seeking a clear and effective way to move beyond the trauma and reclaim control over your life.
- You’re determined and eager to proactively support your own healing.
- You discard the notion that betrayal has permanently cast you as a victim.
- You understand that your partner cannot be the sole source of your healing, despite being the cause of your pain.
- You’re receptive to embracing new perspectives and approaches, and willing to take risks in your journey of healing.
- You’re prepared to accept personal responsibility for your own healing and happiness.
- You firmly believe in the possibility of healing and leading a rich, fulfilling life even after experiencing betrayal.
- You’ve just learned about the betrayal and feel too overwhelmed to process new information, a common response to trauma.
- You haven’t started any form of therapy or healing process for the betrayal yet. Those already engaged in healing will benefit more from this program.
- You’re not ready to commit substantial time, effort, and financial resources. This intensive program requires a serious commitment of time and energy.
12-Week Men’s Group
This transformational program for men is tailored to:
- Help you understand and address the impacts of your actions, setting the foundation for healing.
- Empower you to take responsibility for your actions and rebuild your integrity.
- Guide you away from the patterns that led to betrayal, towards healthier behaviors.
- Support you in repairing and rebuilding the trust and strength in your relationships.
- Assist you in creating the life and relationships you’ve always desired.
WEEK 1: Begin with a compassionate understanding of how to recognize and address issues related to sexual behavior, setting a foundation for healing and growth.
WEEK 2: Delve deeper to uncover the root causes of these behaviors, exploring them with kindness and curiosity to understand their origins.
WEEK 3: Identify and gently challenge the distorted thought patterns and beliefs that hinder healing, reconnecting with your true self in a nurturing way.
WEEK 4: Learn to identify triggers with empathy, understanding the emotions and situations that lead to challenging behaviors.
WEEK 5: Thoughtfully map out the pattern or cycle of compulsive sexual behaviors. Learn strategies for timely intervention, empowering yourself to step out of these cycles with care.
WEEK 6: Define what sexual sobriety means to you personally, and create an effective, compassionate relapse prevention plan tailored to your journey.
WEEK 7: Explore the changes in brain chemistry that drive craving, withdrawal, and relapse, gaining insights on how to lovingly intervene and support your brain’s health.
WEEK 8: Explore your arousal template to gain a deeper, empathetic understanding of the significance of your sexual behaviors in relation to your emotional needs and attachment styles.
WEEK 9: Learn stress-reduction strategies in a supportive environment, focusing on methods that bring peace and balance to your life.
WEEK 10: Cultivate healthy relationships and sexuality, focusing on building connections that are nurturing, respectful, and fulfilling.
WEEK 11: Learn how to support and heal with your partner from betrayal, approaching this sensitive journey with kindness, patience, and understanding.
WEEK 12: Learn how to create and use supportive relationships to build a community that nurtures and sustains your recovery, fostering a network of warmth and solidarity.
- You’re facing challenges with pornography use, infidelity, or other sexual behaviors that you want to change.
- You’re eager to uncover and understand the deeper issues behind these unwanted behaviors.
- You’re looking for clear guidance and support to achieve and maintain sexual sobriety.
- You’ve been trying to handle this alone and now realize the value of connecting with others who share your experiences.
- You’re seeking assistance in repairing the impact of your actions on your relationships with your partner, family, or others.
- You’re working through repeated setbacks and are ready to build a strong, hopeful foundation for your recovery.
- Your participation in the group is solely to satisfy your spouse or others, and you lack a personal commitment to your healing.
- You cannot dedicate a minimum of two hours weekly outside of group sessions for homework and reading.
Phase 3: Couples Counseling After Infidelity
We recommend couples counseling throughout the group work, but it may not be feasible for every couple. After the completion of Phase 2, we also advise couples to continue or resume therapy to heal the relationship wounds caused by an affair and work to create a safe and secure relationship.
You May Be Interested In Our Intensive Therapy Programs But Have Some Questions…
How long will infidelity recovery take?
Recovering from infidelity requires time, effort, and patience, but the journey is worthwhile. While some may seek a swift solution, true healing involves tending to profound emotional scars and rebuilding trust, processes that cannot be rushed.
Our approach is crafted to be both effective and efficient, making sure that your efforts are dedicated to comprehensive recovery. Through couples counseling after infidelity, you can gain a deeper understanding of each other, enhance communication, and forge a stronger, more resilient bond, guiding you towards healing.
How much experience do your therapists have with intensive therapy retreats and affair recovery?
Our team of counselors has a wealth of experience on helping couples navigate the challenges of infidelity and betrayal trauma. We provide specialized individual, couples, and group counseling, tailored to address the unique complexities of betrayal and cheating.
Our comprehensive approach ensures that both partners receive the support and guidance necessary to heal, rebuild trust, and strengthen their relationship. We are here to assist you in navigating this challenging journey with expertise and compassion.
Will talking about our issues in therapy make it worse?
It’s understandable that many couples hesitate to talk about infidelity in therapy because they are worried about hurting their partner even more. However, seeking help from a professional counselor is crucial for the healing process.
A counselor provides a safe and supportive space where both partners can openly address their underlying issues and emotions without causing further pain. Their guidance ensures that the conversation remains constructive and empathetic.
Are You Ready To Regain Your Trust And Connection?
If you want to start the affair recovery process or heal from other negative sexual behaviors, we invite you to call us at (509) 761-9961 for a 15-minute consultation or book a spot in our 3-phase program.